This Unbeliever Built a Test to Prove Who Was a 'Real Christian'—Meet the Pastor Who Beat It "I can prove to you that you don't believe everything in that book." 9:00AM EDT 4/15/2018
EXCLUSIVE: Francis Chan Explains Why He's No Longer on Social Media "The goal on social media is to say something as loudly as you can for the shock value so that you catch people's attention. Yet that's not what Scripture tells us." 11:00AM EDT 3/24/2018
This Tool Is Crucial to Your Holiday Outreach Efforts This could easily be theĀ easiest, most effective way to promote your outreach efforts that exists today. 2:00PM EST 11/23/2017
Biblical Principles to Guide You Through the Digital World With Integrity Although Paul did not know of the digital world, his teaching implies that our digital presence must be kept in balance to run our race effectively. 8:00AM EDT 10/4/2017
5 Painful Signs It's Time to Redesign Your Church Website Have you redesigned your site recently? If so, what drove that decision? 5:00PM EDT 9/15/2017